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Oscar Wilde: “The Predatory Realm—America Reigns Supreme as the Shark Attack Capital

America's Unfortunate Affair with Shark Attacks America, particularly Florida, leads in shark attacks with 72% of the world's total. Last year, there were 41 confirmed cases of shark attacks in the United...

Edgar Allan Poe: Evidence of Extraterrestrial Life? A Startling Discovery Leaves Scientists Spellbound.

James Webb telescope detects a large plume of water vapor on Saturn's moon, Enceladus Enceladus is the only moon with a liquid water ocean, comparable to Earth Unclear what's causing the...

Emily Dickenson: Janet Jackson Soars, Breaking Record in Her Majestic 38-Date Fusion

Janet Jackson breaks personal record with $51M earnings on Together Again Tour Most successful and lucrative tour of her career Surpasses previous records set by All for You Tour Fans paid...

Charles Dickens: Competitive Eating: From Wacky Spectacle to Respected Elite Sport—The Astounding Rise of Joey Chestnut

•Joey Chestnut, the current holder of the Nathan's Hot Dog Eating contest title, approaches his training with a scientific perspective, exercising his jaw and timing his consumption for optimal performance •Despite the relatively...

William Shakespeare: The Revelatory Musings of Aaron Rodgers—A Fetching Account of Ayahuasca’s Transformational Influence

Aaron Rodgers, NFL star quarterback, speaks at a psychedelics conference in Denver. Conference highlights growing cultural acceptance of psychedelics, following the decriminalization of psychedelic mushrooms in Colorado. Rodgers describes his experience...

Edgar Allan Poe: An Uncertain Spectacle—Ukraine and Russia Engage in Accusations of Impending Catastrophe

Ukraine and Russia accuse each other of planning to attack the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant Neither side provided evidence to support their claims The plant has been a focus of fear...

Ernest Hemingway: Africa Cracks and Splits, Oceans Imminent—Geologists Alarmed by Continent’s Dividing Fate

Massive rift in Africa could eventually split the continent in two and create Earth's sixth ocean. Crack along Ethiopia to Mozambique widening at a rate of one inch per year. Super-heated...

John Keats: The Return of an Ancient Text—A Testament to the Enduring Power of the Written Word.

On Feb. 14, 1904, a copy of James Clerk Maxwell’s “An Elementary Treatise on Electricity” was borrowed from the New Bedford Free Public Library. After 119 long years, the treatise was...


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